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n By Alex Romanov nnShare on facebooknsharen
n Title insurance, from Wikipedia , is a form of indemnity insurance predominantly found in the United States which insures against financial loss from defects in title to real property and from the invalidity or unenforceability of mortgage loans. The vast majority of title insurance policies are written on land within the United States. Unlike some land registration systems in countries outside of the US, the US states’ recorder of deeds generally do not guarantee indefeasible title to those recorded titles. Title insurance will defend against a lawsuit attacking the title, or reimburse the insured for the actual monetary loss incurred up to the dollar amount of insurance provided by the policy.nnKnowing the importance of title insurance in the real estate business, I came up with the following list of title insurance companies in Washington state.nnAttorney’s Titleninfo@a-title.comn253 284 4440nnBaines Title & Escrownstaceyladoux@bainestitle.comn509 422 3420nnBenton-Franklin Title Companynhelp@bftitle.comn509 783 0661nnBenton-Franklin Title Companynhelp@bftitle.comn509 783 0661nnCapitol Title Insurance Agency, Incnsettle@capitoltitle.comn301 231 7250nnCascade Title Companynpat@cascadetitlecompany.comn509 783 0660nnChicago TitlenKaren.Kirkwood@ctt.comn206 628 5666nnChicago Title of Washingtonndave.morris@ctt.comn360 734 7000nnCoast Title & Escrowndebbie@coasttitle.comnnColumbia Gorge Titlenstevenson@columbiagorgetitle.comn509 427 5681nnColumbia Titlentitle@columbia-title.comn509 783 2101nnCowlitz County Titlenbianca@cowlitztitle.comn360 423 5330nnCW Title And Escrowncwservice@cwtitle.netn206 781 1002nnFederal Title & Escrow Companyninfo@federaltitle.comn202362 1500nnFerry County Professional Services, Inc.nmail@ferrycountyps.comn509 775 2337nnFidelity National Title Insurance Companynbainbridgedocs@fnf.comn253 272 4070 | 206 622 2072nnFirst American TitlenDCinquiries@firstam.comn703 480 9501nnFirst American Title – Washingtonnsocial-support@firstam.comn206 615 3024nnFrontier Title & Escrown509 783 8828nGrant County Title Companyn509 765 8700nnGrays Harbor County Titlentitle@graysharbortitle.com | escrow@graysharbortitle.comn360 532 3851nnGuardian Northwest Title & Escrowncustomerservice@gnwtitle.comn360 424 0115nnLand Title And Escrow Companynmel@ltco.comnnLewis County Title Companynjulie@lewiscountytitle.comn360 748 8641nnMonarch Title Incninfo@monarchtitle.netn301 292 2855nnOld Republic Titleneverett.washington@ortc.comn425 252 4802nnOlympic Peninsula Title Conpa@olypentitle.comn360 457 4451nnPacific Alliance Title, LLCnlgoodman@pacificalliancetitle.comn509 225 6809nnPacific Northwest Title and EscrownCustomerRequest@pnwtkitsap.comn360 692 4141 | 206 842 2082nnPacific Title Company, Incncustomerservice@pacifictitle.netn360 249 4031nnPioneer Title Companyn208 377 2700nnPremier Title of Island Countyn360 240 9610nnPuget Sound Title Companynroger@pstitle.comn253 474 4747 | 253 593 4747nnRainier Titleninfo@rainiertitle.comn888 828 0018nnSchreiner Title Companyncustomerservice@schreinertitle.comn509 248 5801nnSpokane County Titlenrandy@spokanetitle.comn509 326 2626nnStevens County Title Companyncustomerservice@stevenscountytitle.comn509 684 4589nnStewart Title Groupnbradley@stewart.comn202 349 0220nnStewart Title Guaranty Companyn509 332 8833nnThurston County Title Companynsean@tctitle.netn360 943 7300nnTicor Titlencs.wa@ticortitle.comn425 255 6969nnTitle Guaranty Company of Lewis Countyncustomerservice@titlegco.comn360 748 0001nnWalla Walla Title Companynjoel@wwtitle.comn509 525 8660nnWFG National Title of Clark Countyndgish@wfgtitle.comn360 891 5454 | 360 314 0300nnShare on facebooknsharen
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